Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Remember when 2012 was the time the Jetsons lived in??

Howdy ya'll!!

So I know I was supposed to start writing a blog as soon as I moved to Dallas last August, but I needed a little "settling in" time (which ended up taking 5 months) and now at the beginning of a new year, I can think of no better time than to start! Writing and drawing have always been amazing stress relievers for me and I've decided that now is a good time to reignite that focus and allow myself to become the most well-rounded-ly healthy person I can be in 2012.

Now that I've brought up things I want to do in 2012, I guess that brings me to the discussion of my NYRs, or New Years Resolutions, which we all know as those things that seem like an awesome idea for a month or so, but then serve as reminders of how we've disappointed ourselves by June. A SUPER tradition, or more like good fuel for jokes. I honestly think we should take a page from the END of the year, more specifically the third Thursday in November, and start each year by making of list of what we're THANKFUL for in the past year, than the things we want to change. You know, start the year on a positive note. 

So as 2012, let me say that I am so thankful, first and foremost, for my Heavenly Father, who I know with all my heart, was the one who brought me to Dallas. Gave me a chance to get connected to a great community of believers my age at Watermark Church, a relationship with my sister I couldn't have predicted at the beginning of 2011, and a fresh start to begin work on Tyler, becoming the person He always planned for me to be.  I'm also just as thankful for my amazing parents, who although faced some obstacles of their own in 2011, never stopped being by my side in my hard times and helped tremendously to make this move possible.  Finally, I'm thankful for the 7 individuals, who I'll call "my people" who I left in Florida, but haven't stopped supporting me or forgotten me after I left. These are friends who will probably be in my life forever (TB, AE, JB, SY, BC, MR, LB).

But since the new year IS about resolutions, and there's nothing I can do to change that, I will give in and reveal mine for the year. That way I'll have them in writing and can comment on my "progress" later. I read a really profound tweet from Matthew West that said the reason we don't keep our resolutions is that we start them as "I will..." instead of "With God's help, I will.."  I think that's a fantastic observation, as I have learned time after time that I can't do ANYTHING on my own accord and when that failure ultimately happens, it becomes guilt and blame on yourself, which again I personally know is incredibly destructive.  So this year instead of making more faith in Him one of my resolutions, I decide I'm gonna make Him all of them. So here's the Final 5, for your consideration :)

1. With God's help, I will chart the progress of creating a physically and spiritually healthy routine, kinda like you did with chores as a child.  I've already made the Excel spreadsheet so I can log my daily exercise, water intake, and quiet time frequency.  

2. With God's help, I will read at least one book a month. I just finished "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" for December, and January's pick is "Heaven is for Real" by Todd Burpo.

3. With God's help, I will participate in at least one service opportunity a month. (I would really like to make this a higher frequency, but this is my realistic goal.)

4. With God's help, I'll make writing a more prominent hobby in my life. Not only through this blog, but I really want to start writing poetry again. I have about 18 pieces in a book I completed in high school, but now I wanna add some more "grown-up" pieces to it.  

5. With God's help, I will keep my life organized.  I know this is a vague one but it is one of the most daunting. From my room, to my car, to my expenses, to my schedule, I really need to take a tip from my mother and sister and make this crucial change to my personality this year. 

Well that's it. Let's see how it goes. I truly, truly, TRULY believe that 2012 is gonna be an EPIC year for me! I can't wait to see what He's got in store. And hopefully, I'll share some of the highlights with you ;)

Loveyamuch xoxo


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